Thursday, August 8, 2013

My family.

More messed up than I ever believed it could be.

But I love them -- even when the relationships are stressful.  And I need to learn how to stay connected in some sort of healthy way.

I heard from Todd today.  He had neck surgery last month and ended up with a staph infection from the hospital.  He messaged me today because he'd misplaced my phone numbers.  Said he'd been calling people and telling them how much he loves them.

I've felt like I might be dying before.   Mostly I've felt like the end will never come soon enough.

I need to love those who will receive my love.  I may not get another chance.

And those who are not ready to be vulnerable enough to love me freely?  

I need to love them enough to wait.

Friday, February 27, 2009

This obviously hasn't worked. Maybe I just need to do my own whining and not worry about it....

Wednesday, November 21, 2007


I have decided I am totally out of the loop on many family matters. And if you all are wondering what's going on in Paducah, that's probably because I've left you out of the loop.

What happens if we all start posting family stuff here?

I'd like to give it a try, but I don't want to simply post into e-atmosphere, so let me know what you all think...

Love you!!

linda marie
aunt linda
or whatever...